Save Energy & Generate Hot Water at Rs 0.2/kWh with our chiller heat recover system
Energy Savings
The heat recovered from the chiller helps you to offset your heating costs hence lowering your energy costs
Reduced Emissions
Using the waste heat from the chiller helps to offset your other sources of heat, hence lowering carbon emissions
Lowers condenser duty
Once the heat is recovered from the refrigerant, the load on the condenser is reduced thereby increasing the cooling capacity of the chiller and lowering power consumption.
Remote monitoring
The digital IoT layer in our system allows you to monitor the system remotely. This gives you peace of mind knowing that your system is operating properly.
Collect Data
We audit your facility and identify opportunities that can use the waste heat from the chiller to offset its existing heating system.
Custom Design
Once an opportunity is identified, the ChillerMate is designed as per the capacity of the chiller and the temperature requirement of the hot water.
End-to-End Solution
To efficiently transfer the recovered heat, we help you by laying the required pipelines to the required location and designing a heat delivery unit to transfer heat efficiently.
The ChillerMate is designed as a double-walled system so that Refrigerant and water don’t mix in case of failure